Wednesday, 28 March 2007

The First 19

50 Things To Do Before I’m 50

Apropos a conversation in work with my colleague I have decided that it would be a good idea to have some ambition in life. He was collating a list of things he should do before he was 30 (or before sometime or another). His list included getting arrested and taking hallucinogenic drugs. Since I’ve already done these things my list is going to have to be more ambitious. Haven’t thought of the full 50 yet, but here are some –

  • Do a press-up without collapsing in an undignified heap
    Bake a cake without forgetting it’s in the oven and burning it
    Play the chord of F (F is for fuck-this-is-a-difficult-chord)
    ‘The Head of the Cow’ (obscure yoga pose)
    Get married
    Learn to Salsa Dance
    Drive all the way around Coryton roundabout without stopping for a red light
    Learn to Dance (heavily influenced by watching ‘Shall We Dance’ last night)
    Finish my novel
    Walk into a room and remember why I’m there
    Get my novels published
    Understand what a comma splice is
    Be a famous and rich novelist
    Empathise with slugs
    Make love in a swimming pool/lake/body of water that isn’t the bath
    Like olives
    Remember where I have put the car keys
    Write a blog (yay- started that)

    Anyone got any more suggestions for the really important things in life that shouldn’t be missed out on?

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