Wednesday, 19 March 2008

How Never to Innuendo Again

I’ve been updating my Google iPage. As you may recall last time I did this, ah, I can’t recall, still, I did something.

This time I felt it was time to become more intellectual, better read and generally cerebral.

Gone is the fortune cookie who was always telling me that I was popular/brilliant/gorgeous. Despite moments of being on a low ebb, flattery from bakery products just wasn’t working for me.

Gone is the horoscope that told me what to do and think as doing and thinking seemed to just work by itself.

Gone are the girlie snowflakes, butterflies and leaves that floated across my screen in a disorientating confusing confusion of seasons.

This is what I’ve put there now:
Place of the day to see before you die
Scientific American headlines
New Scientist headlines
Einstein Quote of the day
How to of the day
National Geographic picture of the day
The weather

This is all going to lead me to be a better and cleverer person. I can read all this stuff and be inspired to write grown-up blog posts that are no longer thinly disguised metaphors for sex.

This is what I learnt today:
Before you die you should go to Jamaica and lie on a beach (possibly naked).
How to swallow a pill.
Scientists are designing prosthetics for men.
Fizzy water powered ‘super’ geysers on Mars
How to tell if an sausage is bad.
Birds gotta fly
The sun is shining
Levitating joystick improves feedback
There will soon be wormholes in Geneva
Size matters.

I believe my readers and I are about to lead richer, more intellectual, less innuendoed and generally more fulfilled lives.

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