I have been trying to write a script for the BBC. Not that they actually asked me to. They generally asked the world to. So, seeing as I am in and of the world I thought ‘I can do that.’
I appear to be somewhat wrong. It’s going to be 36 pages long. I’ve written 30 pages. Page 31 is tricky. I thought of jumping straight to page 36 but a leap of six pages seems dangerous to body and possibly sanity.
It’s called writer’s block I think. I’m attempting to cure it by some serious research. This is what I’m doing:
Checking my emails to see if anyone has emailed me pages 31-36.
Reading my google iPage to see if Wikihow offers pages 31-36 or my horoscope predicts that I will soon write the aforementioned pages.
Looking at the Radio Times page to see if there’s anything good on the TV that I could be watching that might tell me about pages 31-36.
Checking my emails to see if anyone has emailed me pages 31-36.
Seeing the random ways people have found my blog. This turns out quite interesting. Most people, as usual, want to know how to tell if a man fancies them. Others have wondered about shoes, g-spots (I wonder about those too), sausages (I’m sure I never mentioned them), tents, grey, and how to stop someone fancying you. I actually know the answer to that – fancy them.
Checking my emails to see if anyone has emailed me pages 31-36.
Looking on Facebook to see if anyone knows what’s on pages 31-36.
Writing a blog post about why I haven’t written pages 31-36.
Googling ‘pages 31-36’. I’ve found:
Preventative Cardiology (I assume that’s like not fancying anyone ever),
Stimulus-driven Attentional Capture (I guess that’s trying to make someone fancy you by prodding them with electricity),
Cornelius C. Platter’s diary (anyone with a name like that should have their diaries eaten alive),
Resonant Tunneling and Coulomb Oscillations (probably what to do once someone does actually fancy you)
The Final Report on the Durability of Precast Segmental Bridges (more than likely a straightforward guide to keeping a man fancying you).
But essentially what I’ve discovered is that everyone else has managed to get way past page 31. It’s just me.
I’m thinking now that if instead of having writer’s block I had some other condition like writer’s bloke then I wouldn’t be spending Saturday evening not writing pages 31-36 but could be having an interesting conversation, sex, or bickering.
So please, would someone email me either pages 31-36 or a writer’s bloke.
Oh, the script is called ‘The Tomatoes of Forgetfulness’. This probably explains the problem.
Saturday, 7 June 2008
How Not to Write a Script for the BBC
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