Friday 26 January 2018

How to Cope with Challenged Technology

My computer is on a go-slow and my phone is on a no-go. So forgive the sluggishness of this post because… this … is … as …fast … as the words are appearing on the screen.

Slowness is not an unusual state for an elderly computer operated by the hormonally challenged. Either I’ve forgotten what I was about to say, or Computer (whose name has slipped my mind) has a hiatus of recollection betwixt keyboard and screen. We work together in a harmony of pauses.

Phone (whose name is Xiomina) is in a curious state of decay. Every time I ask it something, like ‘What’s the weather?’ or ‘Is it bedtime yet?’ it turns itself off. Xio, however, struggles on and reboots. Until the next tricky conundrum. If I ask her to do something really complicated, like call the chemist, she comes over all hot and cuts me off mid sentence –
‘Newport Pharmacy, Betsi speaking’ (Betsi is a Welsh name)
‘Hi, I’m calling to…’ Xio cuts us off.
Betsi is an elderly woman of possibly delicate construction. I’m concerned she may misinterpret this rather abrupt banter, think there is some sort of pharmaceutical emergency. Only twenty minutes later I arrive, breathless and flushed.
‘Betsi, I called earlier but my phone cut out.’ I panted. ‘I think Xio is having panic attacks’

Betsi, unfazed, hands me my HRT prescription and offers some Rescue Remedy for my friend.

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