Tuesday 29 January 2008

A Recipe for the Single Woman

I’ve been doing a spot of cooking. Because I can be quite resourceful like that. Making handy stuff like cup-hooks, shelves and super-computers out of string, gaffer tape and oddly shaped root vegetables. I once made a whole vehicle out of a pumpkin. It’s well documented.

I’ve been doing a spot of cooking. Many of my more avid readers have asked for the recipe.

This is it:

Take several good pastimes – Patience, Twister, and Mastermind are best but if you haven’t got those in the fridge you can substitute Monopoly or possibly, in desperation, Cluedo.

Incorporate a bushel of ‘I’m Sorry I Haven’t a Clue’. Never ever substitute ‘Just a Minute’ but ‘Start the Week’ is totally acceptable if not preferable.

Stir in a minimum of 72 inches of best beef. Remove all offal, scrag and tripe. Caramelise until sweet and golden brown.

Knead, truss, render mostly harmless.

Stuff with a great number of fresh dates.

Finish off with a garnish of 2 kiwi fruit and a large banana. Use a fresh banana, if you only have a spotty one then use a good raising agent. Put banana to one side for that really authentic look.

Mince to generally add to the ambience (that’s you not the ingredients)


Enjoy your perfect Welsh (or nationality of your preference) rarebit in a bain-marie. Or not marie as you see fit.

And who said cooking for one is unrewarding?

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